Carpet Cleaning Technician CCT (IICRC Certification)



Carpet Cleaning Technician CCT (IICRC Certification)

$617.00$875.00 incl. GST


Instructor: Jason Twigg

Professional residential carpet cleaning takes technical knowledge of wall-to-wall carpet construction, soiling characteristics, and its effect on the indoor environment.

Technicians must learn the highly specialised skills to properly evaluate, clean, maintain, and troubleshoot the specific issues found in residential homes, rentals, and apartments.

Your Corestone CCT instructor will use simple explanations, hands on demonstrations and real life case studies to provide the education needed to understand the proper procedures for carpet cleaning, spot and stain removal. This course is a must for any professional carpet cleaner or a restorer involved in the cleaning, installation or drying of carpets.

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Topics will include:

  • Carpet fibre & construction identification
  • Pre-inspection and pre-existing spots and stains
  • Residential carpet fibres, manufacturing and installation methods and how that affects the ability to clean and dry carpets
  • The science of soils & chemicals and cleaning to achieve the best result for you and your customer
  • Inspection techniques
  • Tools & equipment
  • Types of underlay with samples available
  • Methods of carpet cleaning with hands on demonstrations
  • Professional cleaning processes
  • Soiling characteristics & troubleshooting include removal of water stains after a flooding event
  • Spotting practices, pH scale, what every spotting kit should contain
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS) what they are, how to read them, what the law requires
  • Client communication, setting expectations and liability prevention
  • Hands on stain removal using various chemicals to remove a vast array of spots and stains for all course attendees


Bonus: Free chemical giveaways from our course sponsors to select course attendees at every CCT course.


Here’s a video from IICRC on this course: